12.18 금요일. 11:00PM
@ Le Nuit Blanche, 청담동 프리마 호텔 맞은편VIP Table Reservation(예약): 010-8216-7997
입장료: 30,000won (1FD), no minors allowed
WhiteNoize Vol.7: XXX-MAS (Sexy Holiday Edition)
Friday DECEMBER 18th @ Le Nuit Blanche (ex Club Answer)!
WHITENOIZE it back for the hedonistic Christmas season! Featuring DJ extraordinaire, KEYSTONED!
Let's get dressed and go CRAZY! ^^
Dress Code:
Le Nuit Blanche has a strict dress policy - 'Sexy &Chic'. (and in the case of this party also: 'TRENDY, ART, FASHION') If you do not adhere to the standard dress policy you may be denied entry. ^^;
Proud to present SPECIAL DJ & Music GENIUS: KEYSTONED!!!~ ^^
KEYSTONED (Felix Yoon)
서 울에서 태어나고 자란 그는 어린시절 piano,harmonica등의 악기를 연주하기 시작하여 지금까지 Trumpet,Marimba,Vibraphone등의 악기를 섭렵하며 Artist로서 재능을 닦아왔으며 현재 Recording studio에서 Sound Engineer 및 Producer로 일하기 까지 한시도 쉬지않고 그의 삶 안에서 음악적 역량을 키워왔다.
또한 그는 국내에선 찾아보기 힘든 DJing과 Synthsizer 연주를 함께 하는 DJ이기도 하다.
때로는 작은 건반에서 흘러나오는 Electroful한 Sound가 CLUBBER들의 귀를 사로잡고, 2% 아쉬운 음악의 빈자리 곳곳에 양념처럼 FX를 넣으며 Lead Solo와 Chord Backing을 한다.
또한 Daft Punk의 음악에서 많이 들어볼 수 있는 Vocoder 또한 DJing시 연주하며 CLUBBER들과의 직접적인 교감을 시도한다.
KEYSTONED 의 선곡은 Electro Clash와 Nu Disco를 중심으로 Electro Rock,Indie Dance,Synth Pop등을 아우르고 있으며, 그의 Mix Set은 Easy, Hard Listener의 입맛 모두 동시에 만족시킬 정도로 절묘하며 마치 Electronic Music의 "Variety show"를 듣는듯 하다.
또한 그의 Synthsizer연주와 Vocoder에서 나오는 Sound와 Melody로 그의 모든 DJ Set을 "Live Set"으로 Play하고 있다.
KEYSTONED 의 DJing은 종합적인 음악적 요소들로 요리한 Djing + Live Performence라는 잘 차려진 Main Dish라 할 수 있으며, 다른 DJ와는 다른 그만의 음악적 Concept과 Performance를 보여주는 동시에 Dynamic한 Mix와 신선한 Play List로 호평받고 있다.
Chicago House의 선구자 중 한명인 "MILES MAEDA"와 같이 공연하였을 때 그는 Keystoned의 DJing에 관하여 이렇게 얘기하였다.
"Chicago에서도 많은 DJ들이 DJing과 함께 악기를 연주하거나 Sample등을 써서 소위 우리가 말하는 Live Set이라는 것을 하고 있지만
Keystoned 만큼 Synthsizer,Vocoder위에서 자유로운 DJ는 처음이다.그는 그만의 확실한 Style이 있다"
Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Keystoned started playing piano and harmonica at a young age.
He then moved on to pick up the Trumpet, Marimba, and Vibraphone and continues to expand his musical spectrum up to now. Also, he works for a professional recording studio as a sound engineer and producer.
While DJing, his fingers cannot only be seen spinning, but also tapping out leads, solos,and live effects among others on his Korg keyboard.
In addition, he sings through a Vocoder or voice modifier that is similar to the vocal stylings of Daft Punk. This tri-combination brings a fresh DJ style to the scene. "Just spinning music with a good selection sometimes gets boring. I want to do something different and cool." he says.
Keystoned finds his DJ set inspiration in Electro Clash with Nu Disco, Electro Rock,Indie Dance, Synth Pop & Funky n Soulful House. He also throws in 70s and 80s funk music including disco, funk & electro dance music. which he likes to call "El retro Funk". If these influences are the main dishes of his sets, his creative use of the keys and Vocoder are like a chef's secret spice.
Keystoned plans on spinning his creative intuition as long as people are still dancing and hopes his future keeps people
moving not only in Korea, but beyond the waters of the peninsula as well.
서 울의 클럽씬을 새로운 방향으로 추구해 나가기 위해 'WhiteNoize' [화이트 노이즈] 는 다양한 실험을 한다. 이것은 단순하게 '또 다른' 파티문화가 아니다! 'WhiteNoize' 를 통해 새로운 문화를 만들기위해 실험하는 이 과정 속에는 색다른 환경에 있는 뛰어난 예술적 재능 [패션, 음악, 미술과디자인]은 함께 하나가 될수있다는것을 보여줄 것이다. 항상 새로운 창조적인 패션스타일과 놀라운 '언더그라운드' 문화에서 숨쉬는 미술 작품들을 선보이는 London. 이곳 런던파티의 주인공들을 반짝 이고 화려한 일렉트로와 스타들의 인기만큼 뺨치는 클러버들의 트랜드를 이끄는 문화를 'WhiteNoize' 는 글래머스한
클 럽앤서에서 선보인다. 많은 현대예술들이 존재하고 있는 공간안에는, 음악에 심취한 DJ들과 잡지속안에있는 화보들, 신인 예술가에게 주워진 전시회, 한단계 업그레이드 된 패션쇼, 그리고 수많은 공연들의 공통점들인 본질적으로 얽혀있는 진실을 믿고 있는 'WhiteNoize' 는 행사를 통하여 클러버들 에게 또 다른 진실을 알려 줄 것다.
WhiteNoize offers a new direction to Seoul’s club land.
It is an experimental series that brings together hip and emerging talent from the various creative scenes of fashion, music, art & design and presents them as a seamless whole.
Rooted and inspired by underground art and fashion parties in London that pulse with glitchy electro and over-the-top celebrity club kids, WhiteNoize is eager to stir up a little creativity and play in Seoul's glamorous Gangnam.
Each party includes rotating content that is hand picked by the host: New and emerging artists, designers and DJ’s from Korea and abroad that are chosen to contribute to various aspects of the night.
Somewhere between DJ gig, magazine page, art exhibition, fashion show, and performance, WhiteNoize attempts to blur the roles of the events’ contributors and suggests that all creative practice is intrinsically linked.
This is an experiment. This is play.
This is WhiteNoize.
It's True! Goodbye 2009 Party
on December 18nd Fri,Iteawon Place 'Club Volume'
Volume Resident DJs : AHN / JI EUN / SWAN
Partymaker DJs : Wu / Ssangba / SoUL
대 학연합파티플랜팀 We Party의 기획으로 연세대학교의 Rothems, 이화여자대학교의 E-MU, 숙명여자대학교의 Seollem, 한양대학교의 Mute와 Showdown, 동국대학교의 Unlimited, 숭실대학교의 Da-P.I.S, 명지대학교의 Blast, 광운대학교의 Ravolution이 주최하는
Union project We Party입니다.
We Are Different
기존의 클럽 프로모터격인 대학 파티플랜동아리의 파티와는 달리 모든 대학생들이 교류할 수
있고 화려한 싱글들의 얼마 남지 않은 2009년을 외롭지 않게 해줄
파티에 여러분을 초대합니다♥♥♥
본 내용을 작성하시는 분들에 한해 11시 이전 게스트 초대를 해드리고 있으니
많은 관심 부탁드립니다!
Please register by filling this sheet in order to get your personal Invitation
Your invitation will be required at the entrance.
( Guest Entrance time 11pm )
Register URL >>
Welcome to the 1st Anniversary Party of "Macaroni Market" and Boutique Club "Function" in New Itaewon! "Macaroni Market" won its reputation with original Italian and French dishes made with traditional recipes from fresh, top-notch ingredients, brilliant service and an innovative atmosphere.
But that's not all...Within the venue you will find a private boutique club called “Function”. A very upscale lounge with a bar which serves a varied selection of brand spirits and drinks with chic appeal. The round posh DJ booth with live DJs performances in the middle of the club puts the finishing touches to a stylish hideout with good music and exclusive drinks.
Boutique club "Function" is the venue of choice for upscale and high class events including famous social events such as "First Thursdays Afterwork" champagne parties, "Transformers 2" VIP Afterparty with Michael Bay, "Belverede IX" Launching Party and other exclusive private events with well-known companies and international DJs.
To celebrate one of the most trendiest venues in Seoul, "Macaroni Market" and Boutique Club"Function" proudly presents their 1st year anniversary party with 3-time Grammy-nominated Kenny Dope, straight from Brooklyn, New York. One of the most prolific artists of the modern music age, has been entertaining and astounding the masses alike with his fusion of House, Hip-Hop, Latin, Jazz, Soul, and Broken Beats. Known as a living encyclopedia of beats, Kenny Dope is a purveyer of sonic masterpieces.
This upcoming party is not one to be missed...
Breakbeats, hip-hop, house, jazz, and Latin music are the building blocks for the recordings of DJ, remixer, and producer Kenny "Dope" Gonzalez. While he scored with "Salsa House" and "The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)," produced under the alias Bucketheads, Gonzalez made his greatest impression with Masters at Work, a production team that he shares with Little Louie Vega. Their first album featured the vocals of Jocelyn Brown, Vega's wife India, and Todd Terry, who recorded several late-'80s singles under the Masters at Work name, while their subsequent work has incorporated a diverse range of influences. Nuyorican Soul featured guest appearances by George Benson, Roy Ayers, Tito Puente, and Dave Valentin. Ayers also performed on Masters at Work's 2002 album Our Time Is Coming.
Born to Puerto Rican parents in the Sunset Park district of Brooklyn, NY, Gonzalez began his musical career as a buyer for a local record shop, WNR Music. Together with Mike Delgado, he organized neighborhood parties under the Masters at Work pseudonym. When the parties acquired a reputation for violence, Gonzalez and Masters at Work moved to the recording studio. Using a drum machine borrowed from a friend, Todd Terry, Gonzalez began recording breaks and beats for DJs, releasing several underground hits on his own independent label, Dope Wax, before branching out to produce tracks for Strictly Rhythm, Cutting, Nervous, and Big Beat. Although he reached his commercial peak as a soloist with "The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)," in 1995, Gonzalez became disillusioned after being sued for his use of a sample from Chicago's "Street Player." He ended up paying more than 30,000 dollars for the blunder.
Gonzalez has continued to build on his reputation. While he recorded several impressive solo tracks for the Tu Chicks, Freeze, and TNT labels, he revealed himself as a master remixer, working with such artists as BeBe Winans, Patti Austin, Jody Watley, and the Afro Celt Sound System, and a producer of albums by George Benson and Shirley Bassey. Tracks from Masters at Work's diverse projects were compiled and released on Masterworks: Essential KenLou House Mixes and MAW Records: The Compilation, Vol. 1. In 2006 Azuli Records honored the producer by having him choose and mix some of his favorite songs for their Choice: A Collection of Classics series. ~ Craig Harris, All Music Guide
* Event Details *
Date: December 18th (Fri)
Time: 10pm – 5am
Venue: Macaroni Market/Function, Itaewon
Special Act: Kenny Dope
DJ LineUp: Jinwook / Layy / Conan / Byul
Cover: 30,000KRW + 1 free drink (Pre-Sale @ Macaroni Market 20,000KRW)
Dress Code: Black&White
For ticket/table reservation, please contact +82 (0)2 749 9181 (Macaroni Market)
Valet parking available.
COCOSTAR and Korean Designer Ha Sang Baek come to Elune this Friday.
The sound of Defected is coming back to Seoul !!!
After The Zouk Out in Singapore, Copyright will rock Seoul !!!
It’s been a busy time for London based DJ/production duo Sam Holt and Gavin Mills – aka Copyright – since the release of their debut album ‘Visions And Voices’ last year.
Along with Junior Jack, ATFC, the Shapeshifter and Simon Dunmore, they’re to be Defected’s Pacha Ibiza residents and have been selected to mix the Ibiza In The House 2009 album – one of Defected’s biggest-selling albums and a taster of the sounds you’ll hear at the label’s Ibiza parties. The album also features a world first, live percussion on a mix album, courtesy of rhythm king Shovell.
Dresscode : Luxe & classy
Cover : KRW 20,000 (1FD) before 11pm / KRW 30,000 (1FD) after 11pm
Table reservation : 011 888 3814
여러분의 건강과 행복을 걱정하는 홍대 유일의 공간 오백에서
우리 디제이 집 치워준 사람을 간절히 찾고있습니다. 아니 아무리 잘생겼어도 그렇지...
누구냐 대체??!?!!?
하 여튼간에 우려되는 사항은 해당 소식이 접수된 즉시 모 디제이를 사모하던 또다른 K양이 나타나 '잡히면 가만두지 않겠다. 그 우렁각시 행세하는 자는 분명 *이상한 잔치*에 얼굴을 비출 것이 틀림없으니 그때를 노리겠다' 며 공공연히 현피를 장담하고 있는 상태라는 것입니다. 부디 당사자 우렁각시양은 꼭!! 토끼 가면을 쓰고 비밀리에 오백을 방문하시어 옥체보존하시길 바라옵고.
오늘!! 다함께 오백에 싸움구경가자!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s.이상한 잔치합니다. 오늘밤. 새도록.
quote: "오늘 클럽을 네군데 돌고 왔는데 아 x발 x나 여기만한데가 없었다. 정말 끝내준다." *5 times repeated. (weird party revisited 방문객, 24세, 프리랜서 DJ)
현피상담 및 문의: 02-338-3452

For those of you that have participated and witnessed the full force and impact of BLAZON, you know what time it is. Yeah, my sentiments exactly, "its getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes..."
In any case, party ppl, listen up & listen good... Hay dios mio!!! For those that don't know Spanish... "OMG!" Friday's BLAZON at Circle Lounge is off the Richter Scale!!!
Honestly, I need not say anymore. Just come down to Circle Lounge this Friday and witness the impact of BLAZON.
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